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Young Living Essential Oils

Essential oils have enhanced lives for thousands of years, offering a variety of benefits from cosmetic and dietary purposes to spiritual and religious use. Young Living has always been at the forefront of bringing this ancient tradition to modern users, introducing millions to emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness that can be truly life-changing.


Extracted through careful steam distillation, resin tapping, and cold pressing, the purest essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals from which they come. Any time you hold a bottle of Young Living’s powerful essential oils, you hold nature's pure essence.

How To Use Essential Oils

You can access the power of essential oils many ways, but the most common practices include aromatic diffusion, topical application, and dietary consumption. These methods bring the pure essence of health-promoting botanicals to your home, family, and life.

Inspiring A Positive Emotional State

Love the way the fragrance from a fresh orange peel brightens your day? Each essential oil’s complex, pleasant, and unique scent triggers emotions and memories, which can help in your search for a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Enhance Your Physical Wellness

Modern lifestyles don’t always create optimal conditions for physical wellness. Poor diet, lack of exercise, and an overabundance of environmental toxins can leave the body unbalanced and diminish energy levels. From weight management to supplemental support, our essential oils and essential oil-infused products can provide the targeted solutions you need to restore balance and feel your best.

Enhance Spiritual Awareness

Incense and essential oils from plants have always played an important part in religious and spiritual ceremonies, helping participants transcend the trivial and connect with something larger than themselves. The pure constituents in these oils stimulate olfactory receptors and activate regions in the brain’s limbic system associated with memory, emotion, and state of mind. To enhance your spiritual practice, dilute and apply empowering essential oils directly to wrists, feet, and behind the ears or diffuse the oils in a quiet space.

What makes Young Living Oils different?

Young Living Seed To Seal®




Millions around the world have discovered that a drop of pure essential oil can change everything for the better. We’re committed to establishing and maintaining the ultimate, industry-leading standard in essential oil products, so our work can keep changing lives as it has for two decades. For us, the non-negotiable benchmarks for delivering a product that our members can feel great about are multifaceted, exacting, and—above all—concrete. We’re proud to offer an extensive line of authentic, essential oil-infused solutions that represent the best of nature—all purity, no compromises—through the standards of our groundbreaking Seed to Seal® program.


Our members have always embraced Seed to Seal as a series of rigorous quality control steps. We invite you to discover just how far these steps go. Seed to Seal is our concrete, certifiable, and complete set of standards ensuring that with every targeted supplement, every skin care solution, and every pure essential oil your family uses, you’re enjoying the benefit of our global resources, industry leadership, and 23 years of innovation. The result? A pristine final product that you know has been created with conscientious sourcing, science, and standards.


These three aspects of production contain our concrete steps for delivering transformative, innovative, and pure products to you. The standards are demanding, but a product is only as good as the process that created it, and we’re committed to a quality process far beyond all industry expectations to transform your life for the better.

As a Young Living Essential Oils wholesaler, Subtle Energy is committed to giving you the best prices on these top of the line products.

When you are ready to purchase your Essential Oils, we encourage you to become a Young Living distributor, as you will receive a 24% discount on all of your purchases!  Should you choose to not become a distributor, the full fee will apply. Click below to find all of the benefits available to you by becoming a distributor and receiving these wonderful products at a fraction of the full retail price!  To discover more, or to order today, follow the link below and get on the road to enjoying the membership benefits and convenience of Essential Rewards that Subtle Energy offers to you!


The FDA requires that we include this disclaimer letting customers and readers know the information on this page (about Young Living Essential Oils and/or other natural products) is not intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease.  According to the FDA, only drugs, not any other entity can make these claims.

Ready To Get Your Young Living Essential Oils?

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